Saturday, June 23, 2012

DUI suspect asks reporter 'what is drugs?'

A Los Angeles man who led police on a high speed chase has become a viral video star after footage of him being arrested and asking a reporter, "What is drugs?" was released.
Vardan Aslanyan, 29, was apprehended last week after he crashed a Mercedes into an SUV in north Hollywood, the Huffington Post reports. Police suspected he was high on heroin when he crashed the vehicle and injured a three-year-old boy who was travelling in the SUV. The conclusion of the chase was being broadcast live on television and when officers handcuffed Aslanyan members of the media were on the scene to ask him to explain his actions.
A FOX News reporter asked Aslanyan why he was driving away from the police, prompting the wild-eyed suspect to answer "cause I got swag I wanted to make it look good." The same reporter asked Aslanyan if he had taken any drugs. "What is drugs?" Aslanyan asked in response. The short exchange between the pair has rapidly gone viral and received attention from a number of mainstream media outlets. When Aslanyan was taken into custody he reportedly told officers he was "God's child" and God had taken over his vehicle.

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