Friday, August 10, 2012

Amnesty young human rights reporter of the year

Amnesty Young Human Rights Reporter of the Year
winners 2012, with presenter Ellie Crissell
-The Guardian
For the past three years, the Education Centre has been involved in the Young Human Rights Reporter (YHRR) Competition, an annual competition for young people run by Amnesty, in partnership with Guardian Teacher Network and MA Publications, publishers of SecEd, Headteacher Update and Primary Teacher Update.

The competition asks young people aged 7-18 to write a compelling human rights story either from personal experience or their interpretation of a human rights news story. More information about the competition can be found on the Amnesty page, and last year's shortlisted entries can be downloaded from Guardian Teacher Network here.

As part of the prize for the 2012 competition, shortlisted entrants took part in a day at the Guardian and Amnesty offices in London. The lower age groups turned their articles into front pages with us in the Education Centre, before joining the older category winners at the Amnesty headquarters for an awards ceremony where the winners were unveiled.

You can read about how much the competition winners enjoyed the experience in this blog by the teacher of one of the runners up. Emily Drabble, contributing editor for Guardian Teacher Network gives more information about the competition in her blog.A range of resources designed to support teaching human rights has been created by Amnesty, and can be downloaded from Guardian Teacher Network here.




