Tuesday, August 14, 2012

BloombergUTV is now Bloomberg TV India

Effective today, English business news channel BloombergUTV will be known as Bloomberg TV India.Sriram Kilambi, President, Bloomberg TV India said, “The objective is to position the channel as an organic extension of Bloomberg, the world's largest financial news network and to establish Bloomberg TV India as distinctly different from competitive alternatives. Whilst all business channels subscribe to the Bloomberg terminal for information, the terminal for us is our raison d’être. Bloomberg TV India is therefore about accurate, incisive, quick and actionable knowledge, straight from the source. Hence, the positioning ‘The original source’.

Research reveals that the viewer is interested to know how a TV channel is fundamentally different from others, rather than the run-of-the-mill differentiators claimed by the genre. The brand promise is the fundamental difference which will reflect in reportage between Bloomberg TV India and other business channels. In a category synonymous with a high degree of sameness, while being consistent with the global Bloomberg image and identity, Bloomberg TV India will differentiate the brand in the Indian context, said an official release.

Vivek Law, Editor, Bloomberg TV India speaking about the re-christening said, “Bloomberg TV India will continue to mirror the highest standards of business journalism which the Bloomberg brand has established globally. We are indeed proud to be a part of the news gathering heritage and will bring to our viewers business news the way the world knows it.”

Bloomberg TV India recently launched a campaign to communicate the new positioning as ‘The original source’ where the creative substantiate the same with a distinct tone and brings it alive with a unique personality. The functional take-away revolves around incisive information, useful knowledge and actionable wisdom. The emotional take-away is intelligence for the intelligent.




