Friday, July 17, 2020

Remarks by President Trump on Rolling Back Regulations to Help All Americans

Washington DCUS President Donald Trump on Thursday delivered remarks on saving home appliances to issuing dire warnings of what likely Democratic rival Joe Biden's policies would mean for suburban America, in an address on regulations at the White House.

"We're here today to celebrate and expand our historic campaign to rescue American workers from job killing regulations," Trump said. "We're bringing back consumer choice and home appliances so that you can buy washers and dryers, shower heads and faucets. So showerheads, you take a shower, the water doesn't come out. You want to wash your hands. The water doesn't come out. So what do you do? You just stand there longer. You take a shower longer, because my hair I don't know about you, but has to be perfect. Perfect. Dishwasher's you didn't have any water, so you the people that do the dishes, you press it and it goes again, and you do it again and again. So you might as well give them the water because you'll end up using less water. So we made it so dishwashers now have a lot more water. And in many places, in most places of the country, water is not a problem. They don't know what to do with it. It's called rain. They don't have a problem. And old fashioned incandescent light bulbs, I brought them back. I brought them back. They have two nice qualities. They're cheaper and they're better. They look better. They make you look so much better. That's important to all of us. But they're better and much cheaper. And they were mandated out. Legislated out. And we brought them back. And they're selling like hotcakes." he said.
Trump also warned suburban voters about what he sees as a threat from a Biden Administration, "Joe Biden and his bosses from the radical left want to significantly multiply what they're doing now. And what will be the end result is you will totally destroy the beautiful suburbs," he said. "Suburbia, will be no longer as we know it."

The Republican president publicly has scoffed at the numerous opinion polls showing him behind Biden. Trump trailed Biden by 10 percentage points among registered voters in the latest poll.

"The Democrats in D.C. have been and want to, at a much higher level, abolish our beautiful and successful suburbs by placing far left Washington bureaucrats in charge of local zoning decisions. They are absolutely determined to eliminate single family zoning, destroy the value of houses and communities already built." said Trump. president also said- "They propose to mandate net zero emissions from all new homes and buildings, skyrocketing the cost of construction, and putting the goal of homeownership out of reach for millions, destroying the look of the home. The beauty of the home. I'm somebody that's built many homes, many buildings. If you take a look at this, it doesn't look good. You still have to sell, right? You still have to sell. But they've put it out of reach from a cost standpoint. Totally out of reach. It's not practical. It's not good. And it doesn't work. They want to eliminate carbon from the U.S. energy industry, which means abolishing all American oil, clean coal and natural gas. No coal, no gas, no oil, nothing to fire on massive plants. The result of this federally mandated shutdown would be the wholesale destruction of the entire energy industry and many other industries. The economic evisceration of entire communities and the unfettered offshoring of millions of our best jobs to foreign countries and foreign polluters. Millions and millions of jobs would go. Thousands and thousands of countries would be at a level that you've never seen. Companies would be disappearing left and right."

The president's standing among voters has sagged this year as the coronavirus has killed tens of thousands of Americans and threw millions more out of work. Biden has blamed Trump for not taking more dramatic steps to curtail the pandemic's spread.

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