Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Lebanese cabinet announces two-week state of emergency in Beirut

Beirut: Lebanon's cabinet declared on Wednesday a two-week state of emergency in Beirut following a massive explosion in the city's port that took place on Tuesday and handed control of security in the capital to the military.

The cabinet instructed the military to impose house arrest on anyone involved since 2014 in the administration of the warehouse containing vast amounts of highly explosive material that blew up, according to a statement read out by the information minister. Offers of international support poured in. Gulf Arab states, who in the past were major financial supporters of Lebanon but recently stepped back because of what they say is Iranian meddling, sent planes with medical equipment and other supplies.
Iran offered food and a field hospital, ISNA news agency said. The United States, Britain, France and other Western nations, which have been demanding political and economic change in Lebanon, also offered help. Germany, the Netherlands and Cyprus offered specialised search and rescue teams. The death toll has risen to 135, with some 5,000 wounded and tens still missing, Lebanon's health minister told Al Manar television on Wednesday

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