Saturday, November 16, 2024

India's National Press Day 2024: Date, Theme, History And Significance

The Press Council of India
(PCI) was formed in 1966 to protect the freedom of the press in India. To mark this important occasion, the country celebrates National Press Day on November 16 every year. Several events are organized by journalist associations and media organizations across the country to celebrate this day.

National Press Day commemorates the important role played by the free press in a vibrant democracy like India. It also highlights the role of the Press Council of India as the watchdog of press freedom in the country. The quasi-judicial body functions under the Press Council Act, 1978.

Several events are organized on this day to draw attention to the difficulties faced by the media and the importance of ethical journalism. Since they play a vital role in advancing social justice, democracy, and transparency, journalists and media professionals are also honored by several institutions on this occasion for their outstanding work.

The Press Council of India is a statutory body that was created to uphold journalistic values ​​and as a self-regulatory body for the media. Under the Press Council Act 1978, the quasi-judicial body was re-established in 1979.

This year, the theme for the National Press Day celebrations has not been announced yet. But every year, the Press Council of India releases a special theme that highlights the value of a free and independent press in India.

In 1966, the Press Council of India (PCI) was established, and National Press Day is celebrated every year to mark the occasion. The day emphasizes the important role played by the press in a democratic society.

It is an apt occasion to highlight the importance of ethical standards of journalism to uphold the values ​​of truth, accuracy, and equality. The main focus of the significance of the day is to advance and defend the freedom of the press, which is essential for democracy.

National Press Day provides a platform to acknowledge the achievements of the press and discuss its difficulties. It emphasizes the importance of ethical journalism and the responsibility of the media in protecting the democratic values ​​of the country.

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